(Fr. Eugen Nkardzedze read this statement from our pastor, Fr. Stephen McCrate,
at all the Masses the weekend, September 21 & 22, 2024)
Greetings my dear St. Anne parishioners!
As you might know, I have been away for the past two weeks. It is my own fault, but in my three years at St. Anne’s I have never taken a vacation or an extended break and thus the bishop has granted me two months to catch my breath and get some R and R before returning to you.
Msgr. Jerry McGrath has graciously offered to be the temporary parish administrator in my absence to ensure the good work of the parish continues.
You are in my daily thoughts and prayers, and as always, I am grateful for your prayers and support for me.
Rev. D. Stephen McCrate
Parish Offices
Hours: 8:00 am-4:00 pm, Monday-Friday
Parish Office Phone.: .(409)832-9963 x100
Parish Office e-mail.: [email protected]
Parish Office Personnel
Pastor.: Fr. Stephen McCrate
Parochial Vicar.: Fr. Eugen Nkardzedze
Deacons: Rev. Mr. Clint Elkins, Rev. Mr. Ben Yett,
Rev. Mr. Joe Scheurich (retired)
Parish Secretary.: Andrea Martinez, ext 100
Helping Hands and Hearts Social Service.: Deacon Joe Scheurich
Ministries Building
Mel Murray: OCIA, Adult Religious Education, ext 126
Kristina Knowles: Director of Religious Education for children, 1st Communon Prep, and Confirmation, ext 121
Angie Hawkins: Coordinator of Religious Education for children (3 yrs – 8th grade), ext 123
Chris Ward: High School Youth Minister, ext 124
Mary Kay Yett: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, ext 132
Jo Rita Lyle: Liturgy & Ministries Support Office, ext 120
Dr. Scott Feldhausen: Music Director, ext 130
Sharon Begnaud: The Giving Field., 409-201-8702 (or ext 122)
We are passing the basket at Mass but you are welcome to use this link to make you regular contribution:
You can also drop your collection in the mail to:
St. Anne Catholic Church, P.O. Box 3429, Beaumont, TX 77704
or you can come to the Church Office and drop it in the mail slot at 2715 Calder Ave
Thank you and may God continue to bless us and protect us.